If you'd like a hotel close to the reception venue this is the best choice, as it's directly across the street from the hotel. This is the only hotel that we have a special rate for.
Book your reservation online at strathallan.com by following these simple steps:
1. Click reserve a room, Enter your dates
2. Click the Special Rates box and enter the code Q78 into the “Promotion Code” Box, check rooms & rates, select your room type and proceed with the rest of the reservation.
Book your reservation by calling 585-461-5010 ext. 0. And mention you are using code Q78!
This hotel is about a 20 minute drive from the reception, but right where Eileen (Kim's mom) lives.
This hotel is about a 15 minute drive from the reception and the Welcome BBQ.
This hotel is about a 15 minute drive from the reception and the Welcome BBQ.